Before the Second World War, Warsaw was a city with the biggest Jewish community in Europe. The only other city with a Jewish community of similar size was… New York! The story of Jewish Warsaw is a story of stubborn returns. For many years, even centuries, Jews were banned from the city. However, that did not stop them from participating in city life – during good times and bad. Jews joined Varsovians in their struggles against occupying powers, and they played an active part in the Polish uprisings. The city experienced a major influx of Jews in the 19th and 20th centuries. During the Interwar Period, Jewish Warsaw flourished. Hundreds of artists, actors, writers, and journalists called the city home. Its cultural life was incomparable to any other time and place in history. Realizing what Warsaw was helps us understand the tremendous loss. The Second World War and Holocaust left the city changed forever. The wounds and scars will never heal. But, alongside stories of destruction,
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