"City of bread", "City of friendship", "Gates of the East".
Sunny Tashkent - the city is absolutely different from all the cities of Uzbekistan which combines the old city with the traditions and Europeanized modern city with the monuments of the colonial style of the era of tsarist Russia. With us, in 3 hours you will be able to get acquainted with the fabulous city. Our professional guides will help you feel the admiration of the city.
1. Amir Timur Square - the heart of modern Tashkent. The place where were formed first University and Bank of Central Asia. The place where once stood the monuments to Stalin and Marx and now the monument to Tamerlane.
2. Broadway Alley Sayilgoh - "Broadway" of Tashkent. Now it is very difficult to imagine that once there was a huge swampy place that was turned by initiative Governor-General Von Kaufman into a square for tsarist soldiers and their families,
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