


Famous for Castle, Historic Building, Library

Things To Do and Places To Visit In Kolding (2020)

Kolding Tourist attraction  

Abbesinier STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.097 KM from City.

Amalie Med Kat STATUE

Located at Kolding.

2.128 KM from City.

Apostolsk Kirke: Kirke I Byen CHURCH

Located at Kolding.

1.806 KM from City.

Årvågenheden STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.879 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.179 KM from City.

Bacchusbarn Med Druer STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.071 KM from City.

Banegårdspladsen SQUARE

Located at Kolding.

0.444 KM from City.

Barnevognsgruppe STATUE

Located at Kolding.

2.234 KM from City.

Borch’S House SIGHT

Located at Kolding.

0.035 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.031 KM from City.

Byparken PARK

Located at Kolding.

0.681 KM from City.

Byvåben STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.048 KM from City.

Celeste-Brønden STATUE

Located at Kolding.

2.108 KM from City.

Chresten Berg STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.423 KM from City.

Damaskvæverfuglen STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.793 KM from City.

Dansende Blomster STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.586 KM from City.

Dansk Sygeplejehistorisk Museum MUSEUMS

Located at Kolding.

5.023 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.591 KM from City.

Divelshul BRIDGE

Located at Kolding.

0.248 KM from City.

Dronning Dorothea Teatret THEATRE

Located at Kolding.

0.436 KM from City.

Dyr Og Bamser STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.217 KM from City.

Flid Og Sparsommelighed STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.024 KM from City.

Fortuna STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.15 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.09 KM from City.

Gadekampene I Kolding 1849 STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.126 KM from City.

Galleri Elise Toft ART GALLERY

Located at Kolding.

0.502 KM from City.

Galleri Pagter ART GALLERY

Located at Kolding.

0.08 KM from City.

Galleri Unka ART GALLERY

Located at Kolding.

0.072 KM from City.

Gavl Med Blomster STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.674 KM from City.

Geografisk Have PARK

Located at Kolding.

2.303 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.584 KM from City.

Gøhlmanns Mølle WINDMILL

Located at Kolding.

1.395 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.848 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.525 KM from City.

Helligkorsgade SQUARE

Located at Kolding.

0.13 KM from City.

Helligkorsgade 18 HISTORIC BUILDING

Located at Kolding.

0.145 KM from City.

Herkules STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.171 KM from City.

Hoch Hylkedal PARK

Located at Kolding.

3.225 KM from City.

I ›Sten Stiger Solen Op STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.022 KM from City.

I. A. Hansen STATUE

Located at Kolding.

2.033 KM from City.

I.P Jensens Plads PARK

Located at Kolding.

0.229 KM from City.

Jens Holms Vej BRIDGE

Located at Kolding.

1.754 KM from City.

Kaffebønne STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.619 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.697 KM from City.

Keramisk Viadukt STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.28 KM from City.

Kolding Bibliotek LIBRARY

Located at Kolding.

0.42 KM from City.

Kolding Bibliotek LIBRARY

Located at Kolding.

0.42 KM from City.

Kolding Dame Roklub SIGHT

Located at Kolding.

2.72 KM from City.

Kolding Ketchercenter SIGHT

Located at Kolding.

2.795 KM from City.

Kolding Miniby PARK

Located at Kolding.

2.263 KM from City.

Kolding Teater THEATRE

Located at Kolding.

1.035 KM from City.

Koldinghus CASTLE

Located at Kolding.

0.15 KM from City.

Koldinghus MUSEUMS

Located at Kolding.

0.15 KM from City.

Kristkirken CHURCH

Located at Kolding.

0.818 KM from City.

Kvinde Med Barn STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.378 KM from City.

Landbomuseet Kolding MUSEUMS

Located at Kolding.

6.085 KM from City.

Lazarus' Opvækkelse STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.822 KM from City.

Livets Spejl STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.342 KM from City.

Marielundskilden HOT SPRING

Located at Kolding.

1.751 KM from City.

Mindesmærke Over Carl Plough STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.177 KM from City.

Mindesmærke. Relief STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.301 KM from City.

Mindesten STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.313 KM from City.

Mindesten For J.J. Schmidt STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.57 KM from City.

Mindesten For Otto Vaupel STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.146 KM from City.

Mindesten For Tidligere Borgmester Knud Hansen MEMORIAL

Located at Kolding.

0.681 KM from City.

Mungo Park Kolding THEATRE

Located at Kolding.

0.24 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

1.268 KM from City.

Nørrebakke MOUNTAIN

Located at Kolding.

1.217 KM from City.

Østerbrogade BRIDGE

Located at Kolding.

0.641 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

2.157 KM from City.

Paraplygruppe STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.222 KM from City.

Platons Hule STATUE

Located at Kolding.

2.018 KM from City.

Plovfuren BRIDGE

Located at Kolding.

2.446 KM from City.

Relieffer Af Vaupells Gård STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.045 KM from City.

Sankt Nicolai Church CHURCH

Located at Kolding.

0.259 KM from City.

Seest Forsamlingshus SIGHT

Located at Kolding.

2.25 KM from City.

Siddende Pige STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.526 KM from City.

Skamlingsbanken HILL

Located at Kolding.

9.806 KM from City.

Skulptur STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.254 KM from City.

Skulptur STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.254 KM from City.

Skulptur STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.254 KM from City.

Skulptur STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.254 KM from City.

Skulptur I Granit STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.443 KM from City.

Skulpturgruppe STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.109 KM from City.

Skulpturgruppe STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.109 KM from City.

Staldgården CASTLE

Located at Kolding.

0.206 KM from City.

Stejlbjerg PARK

Located at Kolding.

0.848 KM from City.

Stemmegaflen STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.94 KM from City.

Svømmepige STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.835 KM from City.

Tanker Om En Bro STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.483 KM from City.

Tivoliskoen PARK

Located at Kolding.

0.993 KM from City.

To Mosaikker STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.238 KM from City.

To Relieffer STATUE

Located at Kolding.

1.888 KM from City.

Træskulptur STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.884 KM from City.

Trapholt MUSEUM

Located at Kolding.

3.827 KM from City.

Trapholt MUSEUMS

Located at Kolding.

3.827 KM from City.

Tre Elementer STATUE

Located at Kolding.

2.073 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

1.067 KM from City.

Udsmykning Og Springvand STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.084 KM from City.

Uffe Hin Spage STATUE

Located at Kolding.

0.602 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

3.088 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

0.41 KM from City.

Vestre Ringgade BRIDGE

Located at Kolding.

0.526 KM from City.


Located at Kolding.

1.833 KM from City.

Volkerts Fabrikker SIGHT

Located at Kolding.

0.777 KM from City.

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