


Famous for Other

Things To Do and Places To Visit In Bahla (2020)

Bahla Tourist attraction  

??? ???? ?????? SHOPPING

Located at Bahla.

0.085 KM from City.

????? ???? PARK

Located at Bahla.

2.961 KM from City.

Al-Adawi Pottery Factory. SIGHT

Located at Bahla.

0.56 KM from City.

Bahla Fort SIGHT

Located at Bahla.

0.143 KM from City.

Bahla Gate MUSEUMS

Located at Bahla.

0.982 KM from City.

House Al Sheikh Khamis Shumis SIGHT

Located at Bahla.

0.463 KM from City.

Jabrin Castle SIGHT

Located at Bahla.

7.537 KM from City.

Magic Way SIGHT

Located at Bahla.

0.632 KM from City.

Mosques Of The Saints SIGHT

Located at Bahla.

1.186 KM from City.

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